Friday, 20 December 2013

Best wishes from Transform

As 2013 draws to a close and we reflect on the first few months of developing ideas for transformed learning at QUT it is worth taking stock. We have:
  • Developed a conceptual framework and draft business models for transformed learning, focused on the personal learning needs of a wide range of potential learners.
  • Worked with around 50 staff in six course teams to develop modules of learning based on our ideas.
  • Investigated online community learning, learning ecologies, models for online assessment, serious games for learning, mobile technologies for learning and much more.
  • Discussed transformed learning with a wide variety of faculty and divisional staff across the university. In all, we have briefed around 500 staff in formal information sessions.
  • Worked with about a dozen student ambassadors to learn about modern learners and the ways they engage with QUT.
Currently we have, in development, an interface for learning which draws from ideas for online shopping in the way it allows learners to interact with QUT materials. Our colleagues in Marketing and Communication are assisting us to build an environment which has the look and feel of QUT’s real world brand and allows learners to easily get to the learning they need.

Our model for learning is centred on:
  • Connected learning using ubiquitous technologies. Our working proposition is that learning is social and that our online learners will be assisted to form connections with each other and with experts using the technologies which we all use every day. Access to this mediated environment will assist learners to work with others to develop understanding of the concepts and ideas presented in independent learning elements. 
  • Independent learning elements may be in the form of ebooks, videos or combinations of various other types of files. In these independent learning elements, the materials necessary to participate in connected learning will be collated and curated by QUT experts.
  • Assessment elements will be separately provided so that learners can provide evidence of their knowledge and skills.
  • A scaffolded portfolio will assist learners to collate evidence of their learning.
Transform’s first six months have been energising, revealing, hard work and good fun. We have traversed QUT’s learning landscape and found a wide range of colleagues ready to engage with imagination and grit in the task of ensuring that QUT’s real world, collaborative learning brand can be brought to a wide and diverse range of learners wherever they are and whatever level of engagement they need with learning.

From the core team (Sheona Thomson, Richard Evans, Steven Kickbusch and me) we extend our gratitude for all the good work and support we have enjoyed from across QUT.

Best wishes for a safe and relaxing holiday season; we look forward to working with you again in 2014 and beyond.

Professor Sue Savage - Director Learning Futures QUT.

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